The Cohen Case Files: Q [aka Q: The Winged Serpent] (1982)

Written, Produced, and Directed by Larry Cohen Q (aka Q: The Winged Serpent) hit theaters in 1982.  But for me the film came along circa 1984-85.  You see, that’s when the film was in heavy rotation on cable.  I was a terribly impressionable ten year old, watching in shock and disgust by peeping through the […]

Kurt Vonnegut vs. Wesley Scroggins

Let’s take a brief break from talking about movies.  This has been in the news lately and it really struck a chord for me for several reasons. On Monday, July 25, the Republic (MO) school board voted to remove two books from the high school library.  The first book, Sarah Ockler’s Twenty Boy Summer, is […]